Privacy policy

In accordance with Article 13 of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation) and with the personal data you have provided – KANCELARIA ADVOCAT JOLANTA ZĄBKIEWICZ
kindly informs that

  1. the Administrator of personal data is KANCELARIA ADWOKACKA ADWOKAT JOLANTA ZĄBKIEWICZ
  2. The purpose of the processing of personal data is to handle client’s enquiries, providing data is voluntary but necessary to achieve the aforementioned purpose.
  3. The data are not disclosed to other companies. Access to the data is granted to the Administrator and, in addition, to persons employed by the Administrator for the purposes described in point. 2.
  4. The data will be stored for the time necessary to fulfil the purpose.
  5. You have the right to request from the Administrator: access to your personal data and their rectification, erasure or restriction of processing.
  6. The provision by you of the data necessary for the performance of the contract and the fulfilment of the Administrator’s tax obligations is obligatory and their failure to do so prevents the conclusion of the contract, while in the remaining scope it is voluntary.
  7. In the event of a situation indicating a violation of your rights in relation to the processing of personal data, you have the right to lodge a complaint to the supervisory authority – the President of the Office for Personal Data Protection.
  8. if the Personal Data Administrator plans further processing of personal data for the purpose other than the purpose for which they were collected, he/she will inform you – prior to such further processing – about this other purpose and provide you with any other information.

What are cookies

Cookies are small files that are saved and stored on your computer, tablet or smartphone when you visit various pages on the internet. A cookie usually contains the name of the website from which it originated, the ‘lifespan’ of the cookie (i.e. the length of time it has been in existence), and a randomly generated unique number used to identify the browser from which you connect to the website.

Cookie policy

1. In connection with making the contents of the website available, the so-called ‘cookies’ are used, i.e. information recorded by servers on the user’s terminal equipment, which may be read by the servers at each connection from this terminal equipment, may also use other technologies with functions similar or identical to cookies. In this document, the information on cookies also applies to other similar technologies used within our websites. Cookies (so-called ‘cookies’) are IT data, in particular text files, which are stored in the end device of the user of the website. Cookies usually contain the domain name of the website from which they originate, the time they are stored on the end device and a unique number.
2. Cookies are used for:

  • adapting the content of the website to the user’s preferences and optimising the use of the websites; in particular, these files allow for recognition of the website user’s device and appropriate display of the website, adjusted to his/her individual needs,
  • creating statistics which help to understand how website users use websites, which enables improving their structure and content,
  • maintain the session of the website user (after logging in), thanks to which the user does not have to re-enter his/her login and password on each sub-page of the website,
  • providing users with advertising content more suited to their interests.

3. Within the website we may use the following types of cookies:

  • ‘necessary’ cookies which enable the use of services available on the website, e.g. authentication cookies
  • cookies used for services requiring authentication within the website,
  • cookies used to ensure security, e.g. used to detect misuse of authentication on the website,
    cookies that make it possible to collect information about the use of the website,
  • functional’ cookies which make it possible to “remember” the user’s selected settings and to personalise the user’s interface, e.g. with respect to the selected language or region of origin of the user, the font size, the design of the website, etc,
  • ‘advertising’ cookies, making it possible to provide users with advertising content more tailored to their interests.

4. In many cases, the web browsing software (web browser) allows cookies to be stored on the user’s terminal device by default. Users of the website may change their cookie settings at any time. These settings can be changed, in particular, in such a way as to block the automatic handling of cookies in the web browser settings or inform about their placement on the web site user’s device each time. Detailed information on the possibility and methods of using cookies is available in the settings of your software (web browser). Failure to change the settings with regard to cookies means that they will be placed on the user’s terminal equipment, and thus we will store information on the user’s terminal equipment and gain access to this information.
5. Disabling cookies may make it more difficult to use certain services on our websites, in particular those requiring a login. Disabling the option of accepting cookies does not, however, make it impossible to read or view the content posted on the website, subject to those to which access requires a login.
Cookies can be placed in the end user’s device of the website and then used by advertisers, research companies and providers of multimedia applications cooperating with the website.

How to disable cookies in your browser?